Current and Timely Information and Analysis About California Attorney Ethics in Practice
Every Lawyer Should Access Legal Ethics Guidance for Generative AI
The legal world has been awash in headlines about the use and implications of generative AI, or artificial intelligence. Recent incidents involving the use of generative AI in court submissions
Does Your Law Firm Have New Reporting Requirements under the Corporate Transparency Act?
The Corporate Transparency Act (“CTA”), effective January 1, 2024, includes new potential reporting requirements and rules for California law firms and for their clients. In general, the CTA is a new federal reporting requirement for companies to provide Beneficial Ownership Information (“BOI”)—the individuals who ultimately own or control the company— and “company applicants”—the individual who […]
Be Warned: CA In-House Corporate Counsel Must Register With State Bar
Remote practice and multistate jurisdictional practice (MJP) have been hot topics highlighted by the pandemic. However, we cannot discuss these subjects without considering the unauthorized practice of law (UPL). UPL is not just an issue for non-lawyers. Unfortunately, under California’s (and most other states’) rules and laws, it is also a concern for lawyers who […]
Using “Conflict Counsel” In Vetting Lateral Transitions
With the ever-increasing mobility of lawyers, accurately assessing conflicts of interest in any lateral transition is more important than ever. The consequences of getting it wrong are significant, ranging from potential disqualification and client liability issues to discipline.
The National Push to Change UPL Rule 5.5 Has Begun
On April 18, 2022, the Association of Professional Responsibility Lawyers (APRL), a national organization made up of over 400 lawyers, law professors, and judges from around the country who focus on legal ethics and professional responsibility, published and sent to ABA President Reginald Turner its long-awaited “proposal for the replacement of Model Rule 5.5 to […]
California Disqualification Decision and Claims of “Unreasonable Delay”
A frequent tool in the defense arsenal of lawyers facing a disqualification motion is a claim that there was an “unreasonable delay” in bringing the motion. Some lawyers and clients tend to assume, incorrectly, that a moving party’s knowledge of a disqualifying conflict will be presumed if the movant was a party to a former […]
Legal Ethics and Your Law Firm Partnership Agreement
You may agree that your firm’s partnership agreement, or shareholders’ agreement, and other firm governing documents, are critical to your firm’s business operations and success. And you would be right about that. But beyond business purposes, these firm agreements are critical to ensure compliance with your legal ethics duties. How so? Well-developed and drafted firm […]
California Ethics Opinions of 2021
With the new year quickly approaching, there is no better time than now for lawyers to take stock of their ethical obligations in order to minimize any risks of liability in the new year. A review of the ethics opinions published in California over this last year is a great place to start. Although ethics […]
Can a Trust Hold Ownership of a Law Firm? Nope.
A common question in our practice is whether a trust can hold an ownership interest in a California law firm. This issue arises because partners who have a revocable living trust as part of their estate planning wish to hold all of their assets, including law firm ownership, in the trust to obtain its tax, […]
Ethical Issues in Succession Planning at Your Firm
Planning for succession at your firm is a good idea for business reasons. It may mean that you can retire comfortably, having been compensated for the business you built, or it may mean that your family has a clear picture of what to expect if something unexpected should happen. Most importantly, however, a proper succession […]